
Gift Cards / Gift Card Holders


Gift Cards are a Great Return on Investment!


Make your gift cards available all year long. Gift cards are a great choice for birthdays, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, as a Thank You or simply just because. They also make great impulse or last minute gifts.

As gift cards are for a set amount, it's also very likely that the gift recipient will use the gift card toward a higher priced service, returning even more revenue to you!

Gift Card - Fold-over

greeting card greeting card


Greeting Card

Gift Cards - Credit Card Style

gift cards


Greeting Cards / Invitations


It's The Little Things… Personal Touches Always Make a Big Impression


Geeting cards can be used for many occasions and reasons. You can order blank note cards and always have the opportunity of customizing them with your personal note, or order some of them as well as an assortment of thank you notes and birthday cards to send to your clients – all customized with your business name/logo. Admit it, you love it when you get a card on your birthday, even if it's from your dentist or doctor or other service provider who is smart enough to keep track of your special day!

When someone does something nice for you or refers a friend as a client, it's simply good business to send a thank you note. It's also just plain old-fashioned courtesy and Miss Manners would be proud.

You can also use the card format to serve as a gift card holder or insert a business card, as any of our cards can be die cut with business card slits.

Sending birthday cards, thank you notes and other types of greeting cards is a personal touch that's worth the effort as it makes a long-lasting impression.

Shouldn't you invest in a few greeting cards to have on hand?

Greeting Cards - Fold-over

greeting card greeting card

greeting card greeting card


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